Welcome message

Dear members and friends,
We welcome you to the new site of our Chamber.
We hope and try to make this site a helpful tool, a living connective web to our members and friends from Greece, Israel and the world.
The political enhancement in the relations of the two countries in the recent years, the increase in their economic transactions, despite the difficult economic situation, but rather the future perspectives offered will be a way leading to the potentially desired growth in our country.
In parallel to the services rendered by the Embassy of Israel in Greece, the Board of our Chamber creates or facilitates the business activity by organising conferences, business trips, events and other activities and by, providing contacts and information in order to enhance this target.
Fields like Agriculture, Tourism, Energy, Health, Start-ups and Services are areas that are offered and offer opportunities of economic cooperation for the benefit of both countries.
The board of Directors and the services of our Chamber are always at your disposal to stand next to your endeavours.
With friendly regards,
The President
Vassilis Paissios
The Members of the Board