Israel 21cBy Abigail Klein LeichmanJanuary 1, 2020
As we leave a troubled 2019 behind and move into 2020, it’s clear that we need to make our lives cleaner, safer and healthier, not just for our own sake, but for the planet. Here are seven ways to do just that.
Many troubles plague our world as 2020 begins: Extreme weather. Deadly diseases. Water and food insecurity. Millions of desperate refugees.
We may think we can’t make much difference in the face of such overwhelming problems. But we can each take actions leading toward a cleaner, safer and healthier future. Even small ones.
1. Ditch your car and take a bus, train or ride-share
Using public transportation may be the biggest no-brainer answer to multiple environmental challenges.
Taking private cars off the road saves energy, improves air quality, reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps conserve land from development.
2. Save endangered habitats and protect biodiversity
3. Plant a tree or a grapevine
Did you know that the average tree cleans up to 48 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air every year?
Trees and other plants give off oxygen, reduce soil erosion and pollution, and provide habitats for birds and mammals. Fruit-bearing plants relieve food stress.
4. Get out and volunteer
Time is the most precious commodity you can give to a worthy cause. No matter where you live, you can be part of nonprofit projects that help people and the planet.
If you are interested in aiding refugees and victims of natural and manmade disasters around the world, consider volunteering with humanitarian relief organization
5. Improve your air quality and energy consumption
A vertical wall growing edible greens. Photo courtesy of Vertical Field
Sensor-controlled living “green walls” from Vertical Field insulate your home or office from the heat and cold outside,
while purifying the air inside. You can even choose to grow edible plants such as salad greens.
6. Grow your own salad
Buying locally grown veggies benefits your body and environment. Fresher produce retains more vitamins and, not being trucked from a distant farm, leaves zero carbon footprint.
7. Take better care of your health
Staying fit and healthy goes way beyond feeling well. Staggering costs associated with preventable chronic conditions caused by smoking, substance abuse and poor dietary choices are overwhelming many countries’ healthcare systems. And the prescription meds we take ultimately pollute our waterways.